Savannah, Georgia: October 29 One passes the Garden of Good and Evil house in the arboreal tranquility of this Southern city to take pleasure in the name of the state's GOP Senator whose seat is "at risk," Saxby+Chambliss, a name so phonetic it evokes a presence that answers the abscence of a history, the name's enunciation, a name
ever prior to writing, charged by aural contrasts and incestuous Anglo-Gallic-Germanic mixed roots: the violent English "s"/"x"-ee consonant phoneme alleviated by the traces of a soothing assonance of its Gallic "Sh-ahm-
blee" a curious name which I find in my casual laptop
recherche here:
Saxby 'deriving from places called 'Saxoby' in Leicestershire and Lincolnshire. 'Saxi' or 'Saksi' farm', derived from Old Norse 'byr', farm, settlement. Both Lincolnshire and Leicestershire were areas of major Scandinavian settlement. The first recording of the modern surname 'Saxby' from this source is that of Nicholas de Sxebi, in the Pipe Rolls of Leicestershire of 1200. The second possible origin is Middle English 'sakespey', from the Old French 'sacquespee', a nickname for one quick to draw sword, or a trainer in swordsmanship" While for
Chambliss we find Chamblis, Chambley, Chambly..first found in Burgundy where the family has been prominent for centuries; some of the first settlers of this name or is variants were: Rochard Chamblis, who came to Barbados in 1634; Marie Chambney, who settled in Virginia in 1635; Morris Chamblis, who arrived in New England in 1663.
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