mercredi 21 mai 2008

Deux Americas: LL Bean vs. KFC

May 20: Eugene, Oregon LL Bean-Obama of the Woods
Signifies the soy-eating hiker, the woodworking shop-in-the-basement Mac owner; a he/she with a well worn copy of Wallace Stegner and The New Yorker. To this voter, Obama is the promise of the black-friend-one-always-claimed-but-never-actually-had, and of SUVs that run on vegetable oil, environmental policies that increase property value/s.

May 19: Louisville, Kentucky KFC-Eating Hillary at the Mall:
Signifies a fast-food-fat appetite for Dixie, a tee-shirt bulging, southern fried scorn of all things northernly and knowing, this despite (or to spite) the state's Civil War allegiance to the Union; a he or she with a well worn copy of Stephen King and Newsweek. To this voter, Hillary is the promise of a checkbook balancing leader-of-the-household, a stay at home (maison/blanche, white/house) mom who packs a .44.

mardi 13 mai 2008

[West] Virginia?

May 13: Wheeling, West Virginia. "West Virginia is the Virginia that is not truly Virginia, the Blue State that is yet also a Red State, as Hillary's crushing victory here is the loser's victory that marks no success; she is an Apollo without a Hector, a victor without a vanquished, the primary now having become simulacres et simulation of a primary which, if believed, makes a nominee-winner (Hillary) out of a loser (Hillary) and stirs (through its signifying emptiness) simulacres of a general election which-is-not-to-be but which, yet, in its media repetitions and hoped-for-falsity on the heels of this "victory" maybe come to be (Hillary v McCain)"

mardi 6 mai 2008

Obama Waits to Win: The Mirror Stage

May 25: Raleigh, North Carolina The mirror stage is a drama whose internal thrust is precitpitated from insufficency to anticipation..- (GD, quoting his former colleague Jacques Lacan)

jeudi 1 mai 2008

Notre Dame de Indiana

May 6: Reynolds, Indiana. One observes the anthromorphizing of Hillary with mild amusement at its synchronous sangfroid; that is to say, her CNN-heralded masculanization arrives , without coincidence, in the midst of the rhetorical lynching of Wright (the media-decapitation of the dangerous black phallus) with its concomitant muffling of Obama's virile "oui nous pouvons", suffused as his "skinny" body has been with the contortions [rhetorical handcuffs/bindings] of quasi-apology and recrimination while Billary's phallus extends (pun intended) into/through a public raping of others, cf the repeated (though fictional) "muzzling" of her husband Bill Clinton, the North Carolina governor's homophobic quip that she "makes Rocky Balboa seem like a pansy" (with its implicit castration of that pugilistic Philadelphian Pennsylavanian Yankee uder-Phallus) and her atomic bomb invocation of Harry Truman's mantra vis a vis Obama must sortir de la cuisine chaude (addressed to a feminized Obama) into the more recently proposed "obliteration" [s'effacer] of the entire nation of Iran, with its implied erotic humiliation of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Thus having become a military General Hillary 9/11 Clinton, she sublimates the fascist ethos of two gruesome American phalli (Giuliani and Cheney) into her own body, thus the American Rambo re-emerges as "electable" due to its disguise in floral colored ensemble and blonde coif (cf Margaret "H-Block" Thatcher).

Reverend Wright-Wrong: Bien et Mal

May 1: Miami, Florida
Now the grainy, amateur, hand-held Youtube video of Rev Wright (master of ceremony, in blousy white gown, oddly obverse of KKK grand wizard) takes its scary place alongside the Zapruder film and 9/11 plane video, an American nightmare-come-true, mise en abyme replayed as if to justify white paranoia, the pastor’s arm swinging, his hand bearing down on middle American living rooms (literally, as it is played over and over on CNN, Fox ,et al) into/onto the American dream (“God bless us”) to its penetration/repudiation [refuser d’honner] by Wright’s catastrophic gesticulation (single bullet/Kennedy, second plane/south tower, black hand/American dream) voiced into an explosive “Goddamned America!”, the Reverend now media-canonized among other manufactured (fabriquer) American Satans (Oswald, Osama, Obama), coupled with the unacceptable signification of a black preacher (Jesus/God-as-le nègre terrible). Thus, the homophonic Obama-Osama is actualized into a present terror, ironically, for even as the swiftboating of the “Islamic Barack” (boat, bark, disembark, dis-embarack) recedes, it is replaced by a definitive Christianization of Obama that is at once his condemnation, for he is now a black phallic father, leading to a media-evangelized retreat toward Hillary-as-Mother Mary/Catholic working class savior (“she might be more electable, come the fall”)