mercredi 25 juin 2008

Fiction of "Unity"

June 24: Unity, New Hampshire. That which is named as "unified," reveals by its designation that it is not One but only in process of being made into One, or in the process of becoming One: that it is not of One at all, and hence the word "to unify" or "unite" (as in "united" states) by its very nature calls attention to the ongoing schism which it wishes to conceal. -GuyD

mercredi 4 juin 2008

Le fantôme et l'ombre blanche: Obama's White Veep-Ghost

June 4: Los Angeles, California. Just as that white Catholic priest Father Plegers mocked Hillary in Obama's once and former "haunted" "black" Trinity church represented a Caucasian re-enactment of Reverend Wright (the white Catholic ghost of Wright) now the relation between black physicality and a white ghosting confronts [l'ombre blanche] the primary's final, literally, its first final, the non-beginning, which is this indeterminate white ending [a suspension of the black marks of Hegelian time] all wrought by Obama's being haunted by Hillary's white face: the once "ready on day one" commander-in-chief/guerrier courageux and would-be assassin of her rival ["we all remember Robert Kennedy was shot in June": her own sort of bitter-white clinging-to-guns] she takes up the mantle/role of the Al Gorean shocked-ghost ["18 million people voted for me!" "I won the popular vote!"] as a soon-to-be-or-I-better-be Vice-President who yet is also (paradoxically) the self-annointed primary winner [cf Terry Macullife bizarrely introducing Hillary in New York last night as "the Nominee of the Democratic party"]. ....thus Obama faces the prospect of this white-Hillary-haunting, a spectral I-am-not-making-any-decision-tonight-white-blonde tyranny, evoking the cake-white faces of the French aristocrats before the storming of the Bastille, the white power/powder like the red-faced white-coif rage of her husband Bill (as he calls a journalist a "scumbag!") OR the sinister white of John McCain's splotchy sun mottled white skin and pale comb-over (doo-wopping "Bomb Iran") OR Dick Cheney's crookedly smiling gray/pale visage ("I have Cheneys on both sides, and I wasn't born in West Virginia"): thus, like LBJ's hand on the Bible just after Dallas confirms, the Vice President's role is none other than a ghosting of the One who Sits in the Oval Office, in this case the specter arriving ahead of time to keep the primary suspended in an awful American present-ness that frustratingly seeks its insomniac relief through 24-hour/pundit shows (a cable TV version of a wake) with their spookily existential straining toward the afterlife (cf, their use of the banner headlines “What’s Next for Hillary?”). It is America that is ghosted by this “next.”